Friday, March 9, 2012

1203.1772 (Yoko Okada et al.)

Dynamics and PDR properties in IC1396A    [PDF]

Yoko Okada, Rolf Güsten, Miguel Angel Requena-Torres, Markus Röllig, Paul Hartogh, Heinz-Wilhelm Hübers, Thomas Klein, Oliver Ricken, Robert Simon, Jürgen Stutzki
We investigate the gas dynamics and the physical properties of photodissociation regions (PDRs) in IC1396A, which is an illuminated bright-rimmed globule with internal structures created by young stellar objects. Our mapping observations of the [CII] emission in IC1396A with GREAT onboard SOFIA revealed the detailed velocity structure of this region. We combined them with observations of the [CI] 3P_1 - 3P_0 and CO(4-3) emissions to study the dynamics of the different tracers and physical properties of the PDRs. The [CII] emission generally matches the IRAC 8 micron, which traces the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emissions. The CO(4-3) emission peaks inside the globule, and the [CI] emission is strong in outer regions, following the 8 micron emission to some degree, but its peak is different from that of [CII]. The [CII] emitting gas shows a clear velocity gradient within the globule, which is not significant in the [CI] and CO(4-3) emission. Some clumps that are prominent in [CII] emission appear to be blown away from the rim of the globule. The observed ratios of [CII]/[CI] and [CII]/CO(4-3) are compared to the KOSMA-tau PDR model, which indicates a density of 10^4-10^5 cm-3.
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