Tuesday, November 8, 2011

1110.1271 (L. Guillemot et al.)

Pulsed Gamma Rays from the Original Millisecond and Black Widow Pulsars: a case for Caustic Radio Emission?    [PDF]

L. Guillemot, T. J. Johnson, C. Venter, M. Kerr, B. Pancrazi, M. Livingstone, G. H. Janssen, P. Jaroenjittichai, M. Kramer, I. Cognard, B. W. Stappers, A. K. Harding, F. Camilo, C. M. Espinoza, P. C. C. Freire, F. Gargano, J. E. Grove, S. Johnston, P. F. Michelson, A. Noutsos, D. Parent, S. M. Ransom, P. S. Ray, R. Shannon, D. A. Smith, G. Theureau, S. E. Thorsett, N. Webb

1111.1536 (L. Acedo)

A WDM model for the evolution of galactic halos    [PDF]

L. Acedo

1111.1572 (Vincent Dislaire et al.)

Nitrogen hydrides and the H2 ortho-to-para ratio in dark clouds    [PDF]

Vincent Dislaire, Pierre Hily-Blant, Alexandre Faure, SĂ©bastien Maret, Aurore Bacmann, Guillaume Pineau Des ForĂȘts

1111.1625 (J. S. Urquhart et al.)

The RMS Survey: Resolving kinematic distance ambiguities towards a sample of compact HII regions using HI absorption    [PDF]

J. S. Urquhart, M. G. Hoare, S. L. Lumsden, R. D. Oudmaijer, T. J. T. Moore, J. C. Mottram, H. D. B. Cooper, M. Mottram, H. C. Rogers

1111.1654 (R. Voss)

Radioactive and kinematic tracers of feedback from massive stars    [PDF]

R. Voss

1111.1663 (P. Ocvirk et al.)

Constraining local UV field geometry at reionization using Milky Way satellites    [PDF]

P. Ocvirk, D. Aubert

1111.1689 (A. Sollima et al.)

A Monte Carlo analysis of the velocity dispersion of the globular cluster Palomar 14    [PDF]

A. Sollima, C. Nipoti, A. Mastrobuono Battisti, M. Montuori, R. Capuzzo-Dolcetta