Tuesday, July 9, 2013

1307.1744 (Rhorom Priyatikanto et al.)

Open Cluster Evolutions in Binary System: How They Dissolved    [PDF]

Rhorom Priyatikanto, M. Ikbal Arifyanto, Hesti R. T. Wulandari

1307.1755 (R. Foot)

Tully-Fisher relation, galactic rotation curves and dissipative mirror dark matter    [PDF]

R. Foot

1307.1830 (B. Aryal et al.)

A Study of chiral property of field galaxies    [PDF]

B. Aryal, R. Pandey, W. Saurer

1307.1865 (Valery Rashkov et al.)

A "Light", Centrally-Concentrated Milky Way Halo?    [PDF]

Valery Rashkov, Annalisa Pillepich, Alis J. Deason, Piero Madau, Constance M. Rockosi, Javiera Guedes, Lucio Mayer

1307.1884 (Adrian L. Melott et al.)

Do Periodicities in Extinction -- with Possible Astronomical Connections -- Survive a Revision of the Geological Timescale?    [PDF]

Adrian L. Melott, Richard K. Bambach

1307.1929 (R. G. Carlberg)

The Dynamics of Star Stream Gaps    [PDF]

R. G. Carlberg

1307.1975 (V. Bujarrabal et al.)

Extended rotating disks around post-AGB stars    [PDF]

V. Bujarrabal, J. Alcolea, H. Van Winckel, M. Santander-Garcia, A. Castro-Carrizo

1307.2020 (Pouria Khalaj et al.)

The stellar mass function, binary content and radial structure of the open cluster Praesepe derived from PPMXL and SDSS data    [PDF]

Pouria Khalaj, Holger Baumgardt

1307.2094 (M. Netopil et al.)

Towards a photometric metallicity scale for open clusters    [PDF]

M. Netopil, E. Paunzen

1307.2158 (A. Neronov et al.)

The Galactic Pevatron    [PDF]

A. Neronov, D. V. Semikoz, C. Tchernin

1307.2173 (Brett A. McGuire et al.)

A Search for l-C3H+ and l-C3H in Sgr B2(N), Sgr B2(OH), and the Dark Cloud TMC-1    [PDF]

Brett A. McGuire, P. Brandon Carroll, Ryan A. Loomis, Geoffrey A. Blake, Jan M. Hollis, Frank J. Lovas, Philip R. Jewell, Anthony J. Remijan