Monday, July 23, 2012

1207.4817 (Keping Qiu et al.)

Forming an O Star via Disk Accretion?    [PDF]

Keping Qiu, Qizhou Zhang, Henrik Beuther, Cassandra Fallscheer

1207.4829 (M. A. Corti et al.)

GS305+04-26:Revisiting the ISM around the CenOB1 stellar association    [PDF]

M. A. Corti, E. M. Arnal, R. B. Orellana

1207.4830 (Alison J. Klesman et al.)

A Multi-wavelength Survey of AGN in Massive Clusters: AGN Detection and Cluster AGN Fraction    [PDF]

Alison J. Klesman, Vicki L. Sarajedini

1207.4837 (M. E. Putman et al.)

Gaseous Galaxy Halos    [PDF]

M. E. Putman, J. E. G. Peek, M. R. Joung

1207.4848 (Tyson B. Littenberg et al.)

Prospects for observing ultra-compact binaries with space-based gravitational wave interferometers and optical telescopes    [PDF]

Tyson B. Littenberg, Shane L. Larson, Gijs Nelemans, Neil J. Cornish

1207.4873 (L. Xiao et al.)

Radio perspectives on the Monoceros SNR G205.5+0.5    [PDF]

L. Xiao, M. Zhu

1207.4910 (James Binney)

Actions for axisymmetric potentials    [PDF]

James Binney

1207.4917 (James Binney)

More dynamical models of our Galaxy    [PDF]

James Binney

1207.4953 (John M. Cannon et al.)

The Neutral Gas Dynamics of the Nearby Magellanic Irregular Galaxy UGCA 105    [PDF]

John M. Cannon, Elijah Z. Bernstein-Cooper, Ian M. Cave, Jon B. Harris, Melissa V. Marshall, Jacob M. Moen, Samilee J. Moody, Erin M. O'Leary, Stephen A. Pardy, Clara M. Thomann

1207.4982 (Sami Dib)

The evolution of the core mass function by gas accretion    [PDF]

Sami Dib