Tuesday, April 16, 2013

1304.4031 (O. Sipilä et al.)

HD depletion in starless cores    [PDF]

O. Sipilä, P. Caselli, J. Harju
Aims: We aim to investigate the abundances of light deuterium-bearing species such as HD, H2D+ and D2H+ in a gas-grain chemical model including an extensive description of deuterium and spin state chemistry, in physical conditions appropriate to the very centers of starless cores. Methods: We combine a gas-grain chemical model with radiative transfer calculations to simulate density and temperature structure in starless cores. The chemical model includes deuterated forms of species with up to 4 atoms and the spin states of the light species H2, H2+ and H3+ and their deuterated forms. Results: We find that HD eventually depletes from the gas phase because deuterium is efficiently incorporated to grain-surface HDO, resulting in inefficient HD production on grains. HD depletion has consequences not only on the abundances of e.g. H2D+ and D2H+, whose production depends on the abundance of HD, but also on the spin state abundance ratios of the various light species, when compared with the complete depletion model where heavy elements do not influence the chemistry. Conclusions: While the eventual HD depletion leads to the disappearance of light deuterium-bearing species from the gas phase in a relatively short timescale at high density, we find that at late stages of core evolution the abundances of H2D+ and D2H+ increase toward the core edge and the disributions become extended. The HD depletion timescale increases if less oxygen is initially present in the gas phase, owing to chemical interaction between the gas and the dust predecing the starless core phase. Our results are greatly affected if H2 is allowed to tunnel on grain surfaces, and therefore more experimental data not only on tunneling but also on the O + H2 surface reaction in particular is needed.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1304.4031

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