Thursday, May 10, 2012

1205.1906 (M. Mendoza et al.)

Flow Through Campylotic Media    [PDF]

M. Mendoza, S. Succi, H. J. Herrmann
We have found that the relation between the flow through campylotic (generically curved) media, consisting of randomly located curvature perturbations, and the average Ricci scalar of the system exhibits two distinct functional expressions (hysteresis), depending on whether the typical spatial extent of the curvature perturbation lies above or below the critical value maximizing the overall Ricci curvature. Furthermore, the flow through such systems as a function of the number of curvature perturbations presents a sublinear behavior for large concentrations due to the interference between curvature perturbations that, consequently, produces a less curved space. For the purpose of this study, we have developed and validated a lattice kinetic model capable of describing fluid flow in arbitrarily curved manifolds, which allows to deal with highly complex spaces in a very compact and efficient way.
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