Wednesday, February 22, 2012

1202.4461 (Alberto Buzzoni et al.)

Stellar lifetime and ultraviolet properties of the old metal-rich Galactic open cluster NGC6791: a pathway to understand the UV upturn of elliptical galaxies    [PDF]

Alberto Buzzoni, Emanuele Bertone, Giovanni Carraro, Lucio Buson
The evolutionary properties of the old metal-rich Galactic open cluster NGC6791 are assessed, based on deep UB photometry and 2Mass JK data. For 4739 stars in the cluster, bolometric luminosity and effective temperature have been derived from theoretical (U-B) and (J-K) color fitting. The derived H-R diagram has been matched with the UVBLUE grid of synthetic stellar spectra to obtain the integrated SED of the system, together with a full set UV (Fanelli) and optical (Lick) narrow-band indices. The cluster appears to be a fairly good proxy of standard elliptical galaxies, although with significantly bluer infrared colors, a shallower 4000A Balmer break, and a lower Mg2 index. The confirmed presence of a dozen hot stars, along their EHB evolution, leads the cluster SED to consistently match the properties of the most active UV-upturn galaxies, with 1.7+/-0.4% of the total bolometric luminosity emitted shortward of 2500A. The cluster Helium abundance results Y=0.30 +/-0.04, while the Post-MS implied stellar lifetime from star number counts fairly agrees with the theoretical expectations from both the Padova and BASTI stellar tracks. A Post-MS fuel consumption of 0.43 +/- 0.01 M_sun is found for NGC6791 stars, in close agreement with the estimated mass of cluster He-rich white dwarfs. Such a tight figure may lead to suspect that a fraction of the cluster stellar population does actually not reach the minimum mass required to effectively ignite He in the stellar core.
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