Wednesday, December 7, 2011

1112.1074 (Christian Knigge)

Cataclysmic Variables in Globular Clusters    [PDF]

Christian Knigge
Every massive globular cluster (GC) is expected to harbour a significant population of cataclysmic variables (CVs). In this review, I first explain why GC CVs matter astrophysically, how many and what types are theoretically predicted to exist and what observational tools we can use to discover, confirm and study them. I then take a look at how theoretical predictions and observed samples actually stack up to date. In the process, I also reconsider the evidence for two widely held ideas about CVs in GCs: (i) that there must be many fewer dwarf novae than expected; (ii) that the incidence of magnetic CVs is much higher in GCs than in the Galactic field.
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