Thursday, November 3, 2011

1111.0187 (Daniel D. Carpintero et al.)

A three dimensional investigation of two dimensional orbits    [PDF]

Daniel D. Carpintero, Juan C. Muzzio
Orbits in the principal planes of triaxial potentials are known to be prone to unstable motion normal to those planes, so that three dimensional investigations of those orbits are needed even though they are two dimensional. We present here an investigation of such orbits in the well known logarithmic potential which shows that the third dimension must be taken into account when studying them and that the instability worsens for lower values of the forces normal to the plane. Partially chaotic orbits are present around resonances, but also in other regions. The action normal to the plane seems to be related to the isolating integral that distinguishes regular form partially chaotic orbits, but not to the integral that distinguishes partially from fully chaotic orbits.
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